How to Overcome Difficulties In Women's Orgasm. Although information has been increasingly open, sex education is still minimal, including for married couples. Still a lot of sexual problems couples who did not revealed. One problem that still is the difficulty often experienced orgasm in women.
Cultures that consider taboo sex couples discussed hinder communication. Finally, wives and husbands needs are met is difficult because sex is considered mere biological needs. Whereas couples sexual relationship satisfaction affect overall quality of life.
Chairman of the Association of Indonesia Prof. Dr. dr Seksologi Wimpie Pangkahila, SpAnd, FAACS, explaining female orgasm is difficult to say if it happens in most sexual relationships. If only happens once in a while, this is not an issue.
Even the study in 2000 said that 53 percent of women never orgasm during the first year of marriage.
Obstacles orgasm influenced some things, obviously Prof. Wimpie in talk show "Sexual Happiness Moot Erectile Sub-Optimal" in Jakarta, some time ago. Among the problems caused by men, as well as psychological factors and disorders in women.
Problems in the male
There scale erection in men. An optimal erectile difficulties will affect the satisfaction of sexual relationships. So is the sex position, which should further be noted couples, especially men. Men need to find a point with variation of the position of women susceptible to sexual relationships can be more effective for women.
Female psychic
Psychological barriers influenced the previous trip. Past trauma can cause orgasm problems in women. Therefore, psychological counseling is necessary. Couples also need to communicate with psychological problems.
Disorders in women
Orgasm difficulties also need ditelisik from the female side. Is there a hormone or nerve disorders that affect the sexual relationship.
The danger, many couples do not realize that the problem of "How to Overcome Difficulties Orgasms in Women" can be overcome. Prof. Wimpie says there are still many who think this sort of thing naturally. "Education about sex is still lacking, this is what causes many people not know that sexual disorders can be overcome," he said.
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