Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Ex-Girlfriend Oksana Bag Records Shouts Mel Gibson-Video Tape

In the sound recording is also an ex-girlfriend Mel calls it with the words 'whore'.

These tapes have been submitted to the judge in the trial Oksana custody and recording them were sealed. According to sources, the tape was recorded before May, when Mel and Oksana reaches custody agreement with the mediator.

Farewell then they started in 2006 when Mel was arrested for driving while drunk. He also was yelling berate Jews. According to him, the Jews are the party responsible for the war in the world.

n Mel Gibson’s film Apocalypto, audiences watched as characters were beheaded, sliced open, and violently beaten to death. Yet, I would rather watch that graphic 2006 flick a dozen times with my eyelids taped open than listen to one of the three (so far) recordings in which Mel Gibson purportedly rants against ex-girlfriend Oksana Grigorieva. (In the first, he purportedly uses the n-word; in the second, he allegedly threatens to kill Grigorieva; and in the third, he reportedly uses a racial epithet when discussing the couple’s nanny.)

I am not avoiding these clips out of support for Gibson, but because there’s something so inherently disgusting about the tapes — the way the actor all-too-easily drops racial slurs and shows no shame about violence towards women — that immediately triggers a resistant response in my brain. I understand why folks like EW’s Owen Gleiberman are mesmerized by the recordings and Gibson’s self-delusion. But unlike other private celebrity conversations gone public (Alec Baldwin’s voicemail to his daughter, Christian Bale’s on-set rant), this one seems so ultimately unforgivable, vile, and downright scary that I’m not sure I could listen and then just go about my day after peeking inside such a dysfunctional — and dangerous — relationship. This is one private conversation that I don’t want to be a part of, even if I feel it’s necessary for us all to be aware of it.

I imagine I’m not the only one — who else can’t bear to listen?

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