Causes Infertility In Male and Female. Everyone usually wants to have some kids who came from his own flesh and blood. But not everyone can have children even though the physical health condition of the reproductive body part, which means there is no problem. Required strong determination and efforts of couples who want children to be able to get a descent.
Consider some penyabab decreased fertility in humans that affect the quality of sperm and egg:
1. Smoking / Sucking Smoke and Air Pollution
People who smoke and also the people around smokers often inhale the cigarette smoke could be affected if severe enough because of the ongoing contained in cigarette smoke toxins that are harmful to the reproductive system.
Cigarette toxins can cause disorders of pregnancy, fetal disorders, miscarriage, slowing the movement of sperm, damaging the reproductive system, ovulation does not pass, and so that really was not good for those who want to have ketururunan.
Exhaust fumes of motor vehicle exhaust, factory exhaust air waste, smoke from burning garbage, cooking food and burning smoke, etc. can affect hormone balance in the body and reduced the quality of the egg and sperm wife's husband. Avoid areas that generate high air pollution and use protective masks if forced to be in areas polluted air pollution.
2. Drinks Containing Alcohol / Alcoholic Liquor
Too much alcohol can interfere with estrogen and progesterone hormones that can hamper the process of conception / pregnancy. Male sperm will move slowly and seperma will decrease its production in the testes. Alcohol was not suitable for people who want to have a direct descendant.
3. Electronic and Radiation Products
Objects that surround us can be a threat in having children because it affects the quality of our reproductive systems such as mobile phones alias HAPE that produces an electrostatic and electromagnetic radiation does not affect either the male sperm. Sperm can be damaged or abnormal if too often exposed to radiation, the mobile phone. Nuclear radiation are not good for reproductive system.
Electronic products such as laptops should not lap in thigh near the testes / genitals because high temperatures can cause sperm to die. Avoid wearing trousers and underpants in the heat as well as objects that can heat your genitals so that the sperm remain in tip top condition when it is needed to fertilize the egg.
4. Infertile Aged / Elderly
Aged woman who is fertile and good to have a child is aged 35 years and below. Therefore, career women should not postpone the wedding and get married if there is already a good mate. For an elderly woman was obviously no chance because they go into the menopause (sterile) when aged 45 to 50 years.
After 35 years of age on the reproductive capacity of women would decrease due to the declining quality of the egg so that fertilization occurs sometimes unable even surrounded husband's sperm. Avoid getting married at an older age in women.
5. Negative thoughts / Stress / Depression
Why stress and too much on my mind because they all would be pointless. Negative thoughts that can lower sex drive so that people are stressed and many minds tend to shy away from the activities of husband and wife having sex so that they can reduce household harmony.
Stress and most minds can reduce the quality of sperm cells and egg cells and the hormone testosterone in men. As a result of the negative thoughts that is difficult to have momongan bladder. Therefore, avoid stress by various methods during the no disadvantage with the active support of the husband / wife and family.
Health article "Causes Infertility In Men and Women" is expected to help you to be more careful of the impact of all the above activities.
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